For every signature they collect, (HWH) will donate a pencil to the children being taught by the Dynamic Teen Company (DTC).
DTC is a group of concerned young people with a mission to help children with no access to education. It was founded in August 1997 by four teenagers from Cavite National High School. Efren Penaflorida, who went on to be named CNN Hero of the Year in 2009, was one of DTC's founders.
"We can measure statistics of children without the means of basic education, we can measure poverty, we can measure the rising crime rate, and we can even measure the cost of ignorance. But can we truly measure the potential of a child? By providing these children with the materials wherein they can continue to learn, we are offering them a brighter future," said HWH director Dr. Rudy Sabater.
HWH hopes to gather 10,000 pencils from this project, which will run for a month starting June 1 to 30.To support this campaign, visit
I just thought of sharing the above since when you send out your signature in the campaign, you have already helped those kids by utilizing a quick but cost-efficient way (time-based strategies and lean strategies ;-)).
Thank you for your support. Your signature will bring a big smile to the poor children.
Thank you for your support. Your signature will bring a big smile to the poor children.
Very nice blog .As you said that DTC is a group of concerned young people with a mission to help children with no access to can measure statistics of children without the means of basic education, you can measure poverty, you can measure the rising crime rate, and Your signature will bring a big smile to the poor children.Thanks. Its a great work
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