Thursday, February 10, 2011

Brain Experts' 6 Best Memory Tricks

1. Never forget a name: Look, snap, connect -
Step 1: Really focus (LOOK) on a name and face you want to remember.
Step 2: Create a visual snapshot (SNAP) of the name and face.
Step 3: Join the two images (CONNECT

2. Another name trick: Use it before you lose it - if a new name goes in one ear and out the other, try to trap it inside your head by using it immediately.

3. To remember to do something: Picture it - create an image that associates the task with something else happening around the same time, and then picture yourself following through when you see that cue.

4. To remember where things are: Put them in your path - visual reminders are like crutches.

5. To recall important events: Do a nightly review - parents sometimes use a "review the day" tactic at bedtime to give young kids a warm, fuzzy feeling and to recap the day's best teachable moments.

6. To recollect anything: Repeat. Repeat. Repeat - a tactic that goes by the fancy names of "spaced rehearsal" or "expanded retrieval" is a favorite because it's so effective.

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