Monday, February 14, 2011

Are happy employees, productive employees?

Are happy employees productive employees?It is a common fallacy among managers that they want their staff to be happy because happy people are more productive. 

People who are miserable at work will most likely be unproductive and sooner or later they will leave.  But that does not mean that your number one objective should be to make them happy.
It follows that as the leader you should focus on two things. 

First, you should clearly communicate the vision and objectives for the organization and discuss with each individual how their role fits in and why it is important.

 This should be a dialogue in which you assess whether they are really committed to the vision and where you ask for their ideas about how they, you and the team can work together to make it happen. 

Secondly you should try to remove all the issues, great and small, which make their work more difficult or make them unhappy Eliminate the obstacles and give them the support they need so that they can achieve their objectives.
You should work with them to help them clearly see how their work contributes to reaching these goals.

*Business Exchange 02.15.2011

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