Tuesday, January 18, 2011

5 Elements for Comparing Competitive Position

1) Philosophy: A competitor with a strong philosophy is a strong competitor. A clear philosophy makes decision-making easier. Understanding your competitor's philosophy allows you to predict them.

2) Heaven: Trends over time that are beyond your control. You must foresee these changes to adjust to them.

3) Ground: It is both where you fight and what you fight for. The Ground is the basis of all competition because it is what people are fighting about. Competitors are distinguished by the position they hold on the ground. You can and must choose the ground over which you battle. Your choice of ground is a key aspect of your success.

4) Leader: The success of the competitive unit depends on five qualities in its leaders: bravery, intelligence, strictness, trust in and care about people.

5) Methods: Methods have five qualities the make them effective: systems, organization, learning, support, and standards.

Source: The Art of War Ancient by Sun Tzu on Strategy and Competition; http://www.1000ventures.com/business_guide/crosscuttings/cultures_sun_tzu_the_art_of_war.html)

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