Wednesday, October 13, 2010

Cell-Phone Radiation Risks

Roughly most of us do it several times a day: talk on a cell phone. Seems harmless. But when you make and re­ceive calls, your cell phone emits low levels of radio-frequency radiation — a fact that has fueled heated and ongoing scientific debate on the health risks of mobile-phone use.

The "majority of studies published have failed to show an association between exposure to radio-frequency from a cell phone and health problems

The outcome: inconclusive. “The current [industry] safety standards are not sufficiently supported," says Dariusz Leszczynski, a Finnish radiation researcher who spoke at the hearing, "because of the very limited research on human volunteers, children and on the effects of long-term exposure in humans."

Scientists are waiting for the publication of a $30 million, 14,000-person international study called Interphone, which is meant to nail down the answer once and for all. But the study ended in 2006 and its authors are still squabbling over the interpretation of their data.

Better, long-term research is needed — and it can't come from the cell-phone industry.


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