Friday, June 29, 2012

Seapower4 (Secret of Maritime Success)

According to Prof Geoffrey Till, seapower is larger concept if compared with landpower or airpower as neither encompasses the geo-economic dimensions of human activity to the extent that seapower does.  Contrary to the land-based and air-based forces, whose size and firepower always have been related to that of their potential adversaries, maritime-based forces are determined by the quantum of maritime assets and interests that they have to safeguard.  This is the very reason why there is inseparable link between military and mercantile aspect of seapower.  The benefits that we can get out of this are as follows:
·        Maritime trades or finances could be used to fund maritime (naval) efforts.  It means to say that it is easier for maritime nations to build a strong maritime force if there is a strong mercantile element on it than just merely building maritime forces. 
·        Maritime profits from trades could generate more resources to maintain ships, ports and harbors, and seamen.   These profits from trades can also use to fund industrial and technological developments. 
·        Maritime industrial and technological developments can be translated into maritime strengths and advantages which in turn can be translated into specific military advantage or rightly called maritime supremacy.

These benefits I just mentioned are simply termed in seapower as the Virtuous Maritime Cycle - a secret of maritime success.

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