Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Strategic Thinking

"Today, most strategy experts do not regard strategy as planning but rather as thinking" Peter Skat-Rørdam

Why Strategic Thinking?
In the new era of rapid change and unparalleled opportunity, the profitable and sustainable growth will go to the companies whose leaders can see possibilities beyond their traditional served markets. Today, innovative business leaders and most strategy experts do not regard strategy as planning but rather as thinking. "In a world in which unexpected change is a rule, you cannot foresee the future in any meaningful way of make plans for the realization of a detailed long term strategy."1

Top 10 Essential Requirements To Be A Great Strategic Thinker
Essential Element

#1: You must have a vision. And you must be great at thinking with a strategic purpose and creating a visioning process. Great strategic thinkers are visionaries...

Jokes: "The Strategic Game"
A businessman was talking with his barber, when they both noticed a goofy-looking fellow bouncing down the sidewalk. The barber whispered, "That's Tommy, one of the stupidest kids you'll ever meet. Here, I'll show you."
"Hey Tommy! Come here!" yelled the barber. Tommy came bouncing over "Hi Mr. Williams!" The barber pulled out a rusty dime and a shiny quarter and told Tommy he could keep the one of his choice. Tommy looked long and hard at the dime and quarter and then quickly snapped the dime from the barber's hand. The barber looked at the businessman and said, "See, I told you."
After his haircut, the businessman caught up with Tommy and asked him why he chose the dime.
Tommy looked at him in the eye and said, "If I take the quarter, the game is over."

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