Monday, October 26, 2009

Managing Risks and Safety of Ships: The Domestic Shipping Experience III


Error enforcing conditions:

1. Skill based Slips and Lapses – plan of action was satisfactory, but the actions themselves deviated from intention in some unintended way.
a. Slips are from in-attention.
b. Lapses are from failures of memory. Happens when distracted or there is a change on the situation.
2. Mistakes – actions go as planned, but the plan itself is inadequate to achieve the desired goal.
a. Rule based mistake – when we are dealing with familiar problem, but apply the wrong ready-made solution. Caused by mis-applying good rule or solution or apply a bad rule.
b. Knowledge based mistakes – we run out of ready-made solutions, have to think on our feet in a totally new situation, and get it wrong. Thinking an answer or solution out of scratch.
3. Violations – arise from motivational problems
a. Routine violations -taking shortcuts
b. Exceptional violation - rewriting procedure on the fly/rush
c. Acts of sabotage

1. Hazard: Unfamiliarity
Error Type: knowledge based mistake
Controls: Onboard Upgrading Courses, Trainings and Drills

2. Hazard: Inexperience
Error Type: knowledge based mistake
Control: Onboard Upgrading Courses, Trainings and Drills

3. Hazard: Macho culture/Dangerous incentives
Error Type: Slips, Mistakes, violation
Control: Risk Assessment with crew involvement, ISM

4. Hazard: Belief that bad outcome won’t happen
Error Type: Mistakes
Control: Risk Assessment with crew involvement

5. Hazard: Misperception of risk
Error Type: Mistakes
Control: Risk Assessment with crew involvement, ISM

6. Hazard: Poor instructions or procedures
Error Type: Mistakes
Control: ISM, Maintenance Systems and Procedures

7. Hazard: Poor safety culture
Error Type: Violation
Control: ISM, KPI and Reward System

8. Hazard: Inadequate checking
Error Type: Mistakes
Control: KPI, Maintenance Systems and Inspections

9. Hazard: Poor morale
Error Type: Slips, Lapses and Violations
Control: KPI with individual feedback and teamwork reward systems (individual superior performance and group goals to promote interdependent - not competition)

10.Hazard: Little pride in work
Error Type: Violation
Control: KPI with individual feedback and teamwork reward systems (individual superior performance and group goals to promote interdependent - not competition)


Risks Associated with the above hazards are either Injury or Damage to Property. Severe result could be the loss of life, the vessel and pollution to environment.

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