Thursday, March 17, 2011

How Focusing on Strategy Sucks You Up

Johnny The Executive Customer wants one thing:

  • "Satisfy me."

Most companies do nothing but satisfy Johnny -- as their executives go on retreat thinking about the best strategic penetration into a new market to grow %$#^$ revenue.

That leaves them with a deteriorating client base, willing to part ways once a better vendor comes along.

Business is simple:

  1. Satisfy people.
  2. Don't ever stop satisfying people.
  3. Repeat.

Yet, crazy folks make business seem as if we're battling the Galactic Empire with one-hand tied behind our butts, holding a toothpick, and a unicycle that has a flat $^#^$# tire.

Business is simple.

Reach out.

Make good on your promises.


Satisfy people.


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