Tuesday, August 16, 2011

EPA Regulation Coming at The Wrong Time

As the Environmental Protection Agency takes more time to finalize its proposed ozone standard, shippers question if this action is really necessary at all.

According to National Association of Manufacturers (NAM) President and CEO Jay Timmons, 
the economic recovery remains stalled as shippers face unprecedented regulations.

“Manufacturers have made it very clear that this discretionary action by the EPA to revise the ozone standard would harm the economy and threaten job creation,” he told constituents.

He said the Administration took yet another step in delaying the standard, and manufacturers hope this is a sign that the Administration is hearing their concerns.

“Piling on an unnecessary and unrealistic ozone standard would be yet another setback. Studies show the proposed ozone standard could result in millions of jobs lost and $1 trillion per year in compliance costs,” said Timmons. 

Shippers are beginning to speak with one voice to persuade the Administration to abandon its current reconsideration efforts until a review is required in 2013, and to carefully consider the dire consequences this standard will have on job growth and the struggling economy.

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