Thursday, July 29, 2010

UN sees success on piracy

SOMALI pirates will succeed in just one out of five hijacking attempts this year, from more than three of five in 2007, according to a new UN report. The main reason, a report to the Security Council explained, is that defensive measures by shipping – such as running at full speed, using fire hoses to repel pirates and evasive maneuvers – now usually work. Also, naval anti-piracy forces have adapted tactics to the threat, a Bloomberg report noted, which will bring the pirate score down to 20% success, from 2007’s 63%. But the UN also warned that in the 30 pirate attacks near Somalia during the first three months of 2010, the attackers used “increasingly sophisticated” tactics, such as GPS equipment and heavy arms, including rocket-propelled grenades.

--Safety at sea international---

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