Thursday, December 11, 2008

Action against HYPORTHERMIA

We as officers onboard international vessel we must know basic life saving technique wherein other officers take it for granted, here are some tips about HYPERTHERMIA and its treatment- Engr. Marlon Bo

If a person develops hypothermia symptoms then immediate action must be taken to stop heat loss and regain body heat before more serious problems develop. A wet or chilled individual must seek shelter to warm up and dry wet clothing. At a minimum, excess moisture should be wrung from clothing. A fire should be built as soon as possible.
Advanced hypothermia is very dangerous. Treatment for these stages should be administered by health professionals. If you discover a person with severe hypothermia, administer the following firstaid while waiting for help:
n Apply CPR if necessary. If victim is breathing and you can feel a pulse, gently transfer him to a warm place.
n Treat him gently. Do not massage or manipulate extremities.
n Remove or cut away wet clothes.
n Place an unconscious or semi-conscious victim in a level, face-up position.
n Stop further heat loss. For example, put victim in a plastic garbage bag with a hole cut for the head.
n Find a heat source or heat donor. Placing the victim nude in a sleeping bag with another person is a technique that warms the victim gradually. Gently and gradually apply warmed objects wrapped in towels to the groin, chest, neck and head. Rewarming must be slow to avoid a shock to the system that could cause a heart to stop.
n Don't give coffee or alcohol. The unconscious or semi-conscious should be given nothing to eat or drink.
n Keep temperature even during transport
n Do not leave the victim alone in case delayed reactions occur.

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