Thursday, September 29, 2011

Marine HR Strategy Development

High performance as well as attraction
and retention of competent
employees are key challenges for
any organisation and thereby it has
also become a focus point for most
businesses to improve employee
and organisational competence
Research shows that what makes
people perform and go beyond
expectations in their jobs is when
they have a personal interest or
they clearly see the purpose, believe
in their work and see the higher
meaning of it.

HR Strategy should include the following:

- Development of HR strategy initiatives and processess
-  Learning and training strategy
- Definition and roll-out of communication strategies
- Development of training processedd
- Employee satisfaction and surveys
- Analysis of resent HR situation and identification
  of future improvement activities
- Definition and facilitation of organisational changes
- Improvement of knowledge sharing

Thought on Managers and Leaders

If you want to get the best performance out of your team, identify who is skilled at accomplishing and driving tasks (managers) and who is skilled at setting vision and motivating people (leaders). Leverage their respective skills to enable your team to find its fullest capability. Assess yourself and determine in which direction you most want to grow. (Businesswiz)

Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Friday, September 23, 2011

Benefits of Mergers

1. Economies of scale. This occurs when a larger firm with increased output can reduce average costs. Different economies of scale include:
  • i) technical economies if the firm has significant fixed costs then the new larger firm would have lower average costs
  • ii) bulk buying – discount for buying large quantities of raw materials
  • iii) financial – better rate of interest for large company
  • iv) Organizational – one head office rather than two is more efficient

Note: A vertical merger would have less potential economies of scale than a horizontal merger e.g. a vertical merger could not benefit from technical economies of scale

2. International Competition. Mergers can help firms deal with the threat of multinationals and compete on an international scale

3. Mergers may allow greater investment in R&D This is because the new firm will have more profit. This can lead to a better quality of goods for consumers

4. Greater Efficiency. Redundancies can be merited if they can be employed more efficiently


The desirability of a merger will depend upon several factors such as:

1. Is there scope for economies of scale
2. Will there be an increase in monopoly power and significant reduction in competition
3. Is the market still contestable (freedom of entry and exit)


Thursday, September 22, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011


The management skill of meeting goals is related to the leadership skill of sharing a vision. You as a leader must have a vision for a better future and motivate a group of people toward that vision while following the plans, procedures, and tasks you as a manager created.

As a leader you need to be proactive and creative. As a manager you need to be directive, action-oriented and responsive. You as a leader must get your organization to believe that the work and goals are worthwhile. As a manager, you need to make sure each individual has the skills necessary to achieve those goals. Quite simply, it takes a strong leader to get the group to see the big picture, and a great manager to get the individual to be a part of the big picture. They are different roles, but combined they create an incredible overall management style. (

Thursday, September 15, 2011

SWOT: The Philippine outsourcing and offshoring industry

Here’s a SWOT analysis of the Philippine O & O industry:

1. Strategic location in Asia
2. Infrastructure well developed infrastructure, redundant and cost-effective telecommunications, and centrally located IT parks
3. Highly skilled labor force
4. Ample support from government and industry associations

1. Scarcity of labor
2. Commoditization of services non-core processes are easily learned and replicated by others
3. Disorganization of some sectors
4. High cost of power
5. International perception: political instability, red tape/bureaucracy, unclear policies on labor and land ownership

1. Infrastructure building capacity outside established hubs, or in emerging O & O centers, providing adequate and competent training, refining and enacting policies on data security and intellectual property rights
2. Emerging O & O segments in particular, the knowledge process outsourcing
3. Globalization

1. Labor migration and attrition
2. Emerging O & O providers
