Monday, July 28, 2008

Saving whales from deadly ship collisions

Source: Tehran Times
Marine scientists say several right whales are struck and killed each year by commercial ships passing through their feeding grounds. But when researchers blasted warning noises from ships to scare the whales away, the lumbering giants instead swam to the surface to see what was going on -- a response that put them in greater danger. Scientists found the animals are either so used to loud sounds, or so curious about them, that the noises apparently do the opposite of warning them. Since the whales were not budging, marine mammal experts have designed a plan to encourage cargo ships to take a short detour around them during certain months of the year.

France overhauls pollution laws

Source: Lloyd's List
The French parliament has introduced an anti-pollution law that will abolish the threat of shipping companies facing fines of up to four times the value of the cargo carried by their vessels. It will also end the threat of prison sentences of up to 10 years, but It will also end the threat of prison sentences of up to 10 years,

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